Common Causes of Car Accidents

Insurance agent talking to a mechanic about client car

Car accidents are one of the leading causes of injury and death in the United States. While various factors can contribute to causing a car accident, some types of car accidents are more common than others.

Fortunately, many car accidents are avoidable. Knowing the most common causes of car accidents can help you anticipate what other drivers will do and avoid being injured in a car accident.

10 Most Common Causes of Car Accidents

If you were injured in a car accident that was not your fault, you may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Understanding the cause of the crash can help determine who was responsible and allow you to obtain the financial compensation you deserve. When a lawyer investigates your accident, we will work to identify the causes of the car accident so we can hold the responsible parties accountable for the harm they caused.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is one of the most common causes of car accidents. Despite the belief that people can “multitask,” the brain cannot focus on multiple items at the same time. If a driver is texting, talking on the phone, adjusting the radio, reading, eating, or grooming, they are not focused on driving, which can lead to driver error and a car wreck.

Distracted driving leads to reduced reaction time or an inability to keep the vehicle in the proper lane, which can cause a serious car accident.

Drugged or Drunk Driving

In the 1980s and 1990s, drunk driving was the leading cause of highway fatalities. After a concerted effort, the number of deaths caused by drunk or drugged driving has been reduced, but the problem is far from being eliminated.

Consuming drugs or alcohol slows reaction time and makes it difficult for a driver to process the information necessary to drive safely. This delay in reaction time can result in a car accident.


Speed limits are designed to give drivers enough time to avoid obstacles, hazards, and other vehicles. When drivers exceed the speed limit, they reduce the time and distance they have to respond to a hazard.

Running Stop Lights and Other Traffic Control Devices

Stop signs and other traffic control devices exist for a reason. When a driver misjudges when it is safe to move through an intersection—or worse, ignores a stop sign or other traffic control—they place other drivers at risk.

Aggressive Driving / Road Rage

Driving aggressively or recklessly increases the likelihood of causing an accident. Traffic, slow drivers, and running late can all be frustrating, and it’s normal to become aggravated or frustrated behind the wheel. However, being impatient does not justify driving aggressively or taking unnecessary risks. A driver who lets their emotions take over and drives aggressively endangers their own safety and the lives of those around them.

Bad Weather

Weather can play a significant role in causing a car accident. Driving in bad weather requires focused attention and, often, a reduction in speed. When a driver is going too fast for the weather conditions, they reduce the time they have to see and react to a hazard, which can cause a car accident.

Even though the weather may have been a contributing factor in causing a car accident, the driver is still responsible for adjusting their driving to accommodate the reduced visibility and increased stopping distance required by adverse weather conditions.

Poor Road Conditions

Drivers rightly expect roadways to be safe and clear of debris, potholes, and other hazards. If hazards are present, road crews should warn drivers of hazardous conditions.

When poor road conditions cause an accident, your lawyer will work to identify who was responsible for clearing the hazard or warning other drivers about it and fight to hold them accountable.

Vehicle Defects

An unsafe or improperly maintained vehicle is more likely to stall in the middle of the road and create a hazard for the occupant and other drivers. These accidents can be avoided by proper vehicle maintenance and repairing issues when they arise.

Driver Fatigue

Driving while tired is similar to driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Fatigue results in delayed reaction time, poor coordination, and impaired judgment, which can cause a serious or even catastrophic car accident.

Hurt in a Connecticut Car Accident? Contact The Lebedevitch Law Firm Today.

A car accident can change your life and result in serious injuries that lead to medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and permanent disability.

If you or someone you love was hurt in a Connecticut car accident that was someone else’s fault, you deserve compensation.

The Lebedevitch Law Firm proudly represents people who were hurt in car accidents. We will carefully analyze your situation, investigate the cause of the accident, and fight to hold the responsible parties accountable.

The Lebedevitch Law Firm is based in Fairfield, Connecticut, and handles personal injury cases throughout Fairfield and New Haven counties. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation to discuss your case.

Categories: Auto Accidents