What Does Proof Beyond a Reasonable Doubt Mean?
Proof beyond a reasonable doubt is the highest burden of proof in the American legal system. It represents a cornerstone concept of American law and is intended to ensure that only people who are truly guilty are convicted of a crime.
The concept of proof beyond a reasonable doubt was perhaps best expressed by English Justice William Blackstone, who in 1765 wrote, “It is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffers.”
But most people who have been charged with a crime need to move beyond idealistic notions of justice and want to understand, “What does proof beyond a reasonable doubt mean?”
What Is Proof Beyond Reasonable Doubt?
The “burden of proof” represents what one party must prove at trial to establish the facts that are in dispute. In a criminal case, the prosecution must prove every element of an alleged crime beyond a reasonable doubt. But in practice, it can be difficult to understand what proof beyond a reasonable doubt means.
To better understand what proof beyond a reasonable doubt means, It is helpful to consider it in comparison to the two other standards of proof that apply in the American legal system.
- A preponderance of the evidence is the lowest standard of proof in the American legal system. It applies in civil cases and means a judge or jury thinks it is slightly more likely than not that a particular event happened. When explaining preponderance of evidence at trial, many lawyers ask the jurors to imagine two stacks of paper with the same number of pages in each stack. If a single sheet of paper is added to one of the stacks, that is a preponderance of the evidence.
- Clear and convincing evidence is the middle standard of proof. It is more than a preponderance of the evidence, but less than proof beyond reasonable doubt. If someone must present clear and convincing evidence, they must show it is highly likely and substantially probable that a fact in question occurred. Clear and convincing evidence is often required in administrative cases, such as when a prisoner seeks habeas corpus from capital punishment.
- Beyond a reasonable doubt is the highest standard of proof. It does not mean the absence of doubt, but means there is no plausible reason to believe something occurred in a different way. If, after hearing all the evidence, there is a real doubt about whether someone did the thing they are accused of doing, the burden of proof has not been met. Put another way, the prosecution must show that there is no logical explanation other than that the defendant committed the crime.
How to Prove Proof Beyond a Reasonable Doubt
Acting as a representative of the government, the prosecutor is accusing the defendant of having committed a crime. To win their case, the prosecutor must establish every element of the crime beyond a reasonable doubt. To do this, the prosecutor must present evidence, often in the form of witness testimony, surveillance footage, DNA evidence, and other items intended to show the defendant is guilty.
If a defense lawyer can successfully challenge just one element of the crime, the prosecutor has not met their burden, and the defendant should be found Not Guilty.
The Defense Has No Burden of Proof
At trial, a defendant does not need to prove anything. Although the defendant can call witnesses and present evidence, they do not need to prove they are innocent. In fact, a skilled criminal defense lawyer will often point out to the jury that he could go through an entire trial without calling a single witness or presenting a single piece of evidence and, at the end of the trial, ask the jury to find the defendant Not Guilty because the prosecutor failed to meet his burden of proving guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
The Presumption of Innocence and Proof Beyond a Reasonable Doubt
Requiring proof beyond a reasonable doubt protects innocent people from being wrongfully convicted and ensures the prosecution is held to the highest standard.
The standard of proof beyond a reasonable doubt works in conjunction with the presumption of innocence to ensure that innocent people are not convicted of crimes they did not commit.
The presumption of innocence means that a person is innocent until the prosecution has proved, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the defendant did what he was accused of doing.
How Does a Criminal Defense Lawyer Show Reasonable Doubt?
A skilled criminal defense attorney will use various strategies to discredit the prosecution and show there is reasonable doubt as to whether the crime occurred the way the prosecutor claims it did.
Common strategies used to cast doubt upon the prosecution’s evidence include:
- Exposing errors that occurred during the arrest or investigation;
- Challenging witness credibility;
- Highlighting discrepancies between witness statements;
- Showing the defendant had an alibi;
- Presenting evidence of self-defense or defense of others; or
- Establishing that the defendant was falsely accused.
As part of a sound defense strategy, a good criminal defense attorney will remind the jury that witnesses can lie, photographic evidence can be faked, and DNA samples can be mishandled or become tainted. Most evidence is circumstantial, and an experienced criminal defense attorney can work to establish reasonable doubt in the mind of a juror.
Contact The Lebedevitch Law Firm for Aggressive Criminal Defense
If you were charged with a crime, having experienced legal representation is crucial. Stephen Lebedevitch is an experienced and highly sought-after criminal defense attorney in Connecticut who is committed to defending people who have been accused of committing a crime. He is a staunch believer in the rights of the accused who will fight to protect your rights.
To put our expertise to work for you, contact The Lebedevitch Law Firm today.
The Lebedevitch Law Firm is based in New Haven and proudly serves people in Fairfield and New Haven Counties.